Texas IFC is the governing body for 22 men's social fraternities on campus. We are the largest all-male organization on campus, with more than 2,400 members from diverse range of backgrounds.
Texas IFC promotes scholastic success, with the average IFC member’s GPA consistently beating the average undergraduate male GPA.
Outside of the classroom, Greek men are leaders in many on-campus organizations.. Joining Greek life is an incredible way to create a powerful network on campus.
Joining a fraternity inspires leadership after college: 50% of the top 10 Fortune 500 CEOs are Greek, 35% of current US Senators are greek, and 44% of US Presidents were IFC men.
Additionally, each chapter has a philanthropic focus, and IFC as a whole supports the B+ Foundation, which aims to assist and provide aid to pediatric cancer patients and their families.
Click here (or the link on the homepage/under the "recruitment" tab to Chapter Builder). This will allow chapters to contact you for their individual recruitment processes.
Summer rush is a real thing! Some chapters may begin their recruitment as early as the spring, prior to the start of the academic year.
General recruitment dates may vary; it's important to check with individual chapters.
Fraternity rush has no defined start or end date; each chapter decides its own timeline for concluding the rush cycle.
Note that West Fest is NOT a recruitment event.
A recruitment tool utilized by many universities nationwide that allows schools to create a distribution list of interested students’ information that can then be forwarded to IFC Fraternity Recruitment Chairs.
Every Monday night during orientation (from 9:00-11:30),IFC will be participating in the Late Night Social event on speedway. Come find our table to learn more about IFC!
Joining Chapter Builder is essential. Click on the recruitment tab on this website to join the recruitment list on Chapter Builder. However, it's not your only resource for rushing during the fall or spring.
Utilize social media platforms like Instagram to connect with fraternity chapters.
Engage with friends and peers attending UT to gather insight and recommendations.
It’s common for potential new members to reach out via direct messages or through chapter websites.
Be proactive! Many fraternities have instagram pages in which you can direct messages to get started with recruitment and already make a connection.
IFC Recruitment at UT Austin is "open and informal." This means that there are no official start/stop times or dates for fraternities to conduct recruitment activities. The IFC does not sponsor any "Formal Recruitment" events or activities. Because there is no formal recruitment period, when and how a fraternity conducts its recruitment activities are left to the discretion of each individual chapter. Therefore, some chapters may focus the bulk of their recruitment efforts in the summer, while others focus their efforts leading up to and after the first day of classes. No fraternity may conduct new member activities until after the first week of school.
Every IFC fraternity takes a fall new member class, so most men join fraternities in the fall. Not every fraternity takes a new member class in the spring semester, though many chapters do. This is left up to each chapter to decide what is right for them.
A man is eligible to participate in recruitment and join a fraternity if he is enrolled at The University of Texas at Austin as a full-time student. A full-time student is defined as taking twelve credit hours per semester, excluding correspondence courses and courses at other universities. He must not be a new member or initiated member of any North American Interfraternity Conference fraternity. Students enrolled at other colleges or universities are not allowed to join an IFC chapter at the University of Texas at Austin.
Reference and recommendation letters are a component of sorority recruitment. You do not need references or recommendation letters to participate in IFC recruitment.
A bid is a formal invitation to join a fraternity. Bids may be given at any time both verbally and/or in writing, however the IFC does not consider any bids officially accepted until after the first Friday of the fall semester, in case there are any disputes about a potential member amongst two or more fraternities. This means that no new member activities should occur until after the first week of school.
Potential members may receive multiple bids from different fraternities, but may only accept one.
1) Register with the IFC as soon as possible to let the fraternities know you are interested. Look at as many chapters as you can, and select the ones in which you would like to concentrate.
2) Be positive. Do not criticize other chapters or potential new members.
3) Get to know other students. Although many students feel more comfortable if they recruit with friends, don't count on joining the same fraternity as your friends.
It is important for students and parents to be as informed as possible regarding the costs associated with obtaining a college education. Understanding the financial obligations associated with fraternity membership is just as important. During recruitment activities, a potential member should ask fraternity members about the financial obligations and payment options as each fraternity sets its own fees and housing costs as well as the payment schedules.
Each fraternity’s dues can range significantly. When rushing, we recommend asking the chapter what the semesterly dues cost, before signing a bid card.
Keep in mind that while a fraternity’s general semesterly dues might be set at a specific amount, additional social or internal fees may apply, which may not be included in the general dues.
You can find more information about specific chapters and their general cost here.
Recruitment is intended to provide opportunities to spend time getting to know each other. According to the IFC Constitution, alcohol is not to be served to minors under any circumstances (IFC Risk Management Policy, Section 1K). No alcohol should be served to anyone under the age of 21 during any recruitment function, whether it is one-on-one or in a large group. Most IFC organizations have national policies that bar the use of alcohol at any and all recruitment and new member activities.
Each person looks for different attributes in a fraternity. Each of the chapters focuses on one or more of the following: academics, athletics, campus involvement, community service, leadership, and/or friendship. The choice is yours, so look carefully at all of the chapters and evaluate which one best meets your needs and interests.
There is a required meeting once a week where you will exchange information on chapter events and fraternity education. Weekly chapter study sessions are a programming option for all members, in addition to events like brotherhood activities, community service projects, and social events. Remember, the more you put into the fraternity experience, the more you will get out of it.
The timeline for the new member process is different for each chapter and is determined by their national organization. Some chapters initiate their members within one week of joining, while other chapters’ new member processes last up to 12 weeks. The new-member period affords opportunities to meet other members, learn fraternity history and feel at home in the chapter. Each chapter establishes its own new-member program and initiation dates. This is a great question to ask the active members as you meet them during recruitment activities.
Spring recruitment generally follows the same process as fall recruitment.
A majority of chapters participate in the spring rush, providing another opportunity to join.
The Chapter Builder website is still active during spring recruitment.
The Interfraternity Council (IFC) and the University of Texas at Austin are committed to preventing hazing in fraternities. For more information on policies and support, please refer to the university's hazing prevention resources online.