IFC Preparedness & Safety measures 

emergency medical services

  • Bluebonnet Medial Services is our provider for on-site medical services. Bluebonnet is a private medical provider that employs state-certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) and Paramedics. They will be staffing our medical tent that is open to all attendees, the on-site teams at each event, and our mobile medic teams that will respond to situations in the West Campus area.

Food & Hydration Areas

  • Bottled water pallets and snacks will be delivered to all event locations prior to the start of West Fest. IFC member organizations have been instructed to designate a prominent and easily accessible area in their event space for distribution.

Ticketing & Event access

  • To ensure utmost security measures are taken to correctly and efficiently verify age, identity, and track occupancy, West Fest 2025 will be utilizing the Bounce app for wristband sales and event information.

  • All ticketed guests will receive either an 18+ general admission band or a 21+ band if their government-issued ID verifies they will be over the age of 21on the date of the first event. These two bands are distinct in color and intended to make verifying age easy and accurate. Guests will not be permitted to attend any individual West Fest events without an IFC wristband.

UT Police

  • West Fest is not affiliated directly with The University of Texas. However, we are continuing to work with the police department to ensure all local and university policies are followed.

Fire Marshals

  • The Texas IFC West Fest team has been working diligently with the Fire Marshals of the City of Austin. All IFC member organizations participating in West Fest must fully permit any affiliated event that is taking place.